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Getting involved with local charity is a great move for a business. First, it brings good tidings to everyone involved – employees know they are working for more than just a singular reason; people in the community are helped. Then there are the business reasons. A business can now have a good reputation, brand awareness is maximized, and new customers are potentially formed. There are a many great was to get a business involved in charity, here is how.  

Discounts & Free Products

Offer things free or at a discount. Donating free products out to a local school or library can often be the easiest way to provide a charitable solution. The company is seen out and about in the strongest places with links to the community, providing plenty of exposure. Discounts can also be given to certain patrons with institutions that will make customers feel appreciated.

Sponsored Events

Sponsor a type of event. Sponsoring local charities and events are a great way to get the brand out to the public. There is no shortage of public events in any community whether it is sports teams, parades, or theater productions. Sponsoring an event is the easiest way to show support for the community and create goodwill for good causes.

Target Audiences

If the company’s customers or fellow businesses are interested in a particular mission or event, it pays to get involved. One example can be a local 5k race or a luncheon in order to raise money.

There are many different ways to get your business involved in the local community. You can donate services, give a percentage of sales to a charitable cause, serve as volunteers or advocates for various causes, do pro-bono work, or sponsor or participate in an event at any location. The company’s employees can also be asked to get involved for more manpower, and employees will feel as if they are a part of something bigger that isn’t just working at a generic company.

Do avoid common pitfalls such as not being focused enough on the cause that is being supported, being too scattershot or not wanting to follow though due to half hearted measures. By participating in local community events the company is bound to be recognized for its efforts and become a pillar of the community.